许云平,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,海洋科学与生态环境学院副院长、海洋科学与技术系主任(兼)。主要从事海洋生物-有机地球化学的研究,擅长于利用生物标志物、同位素和高分辨率质谱技术研究海洋碳、氮等重要生源要素的循环过程,以及全球变化对深海碳循环和海洋生物的影响。研究区域涵盖了从河口、近海到深渊海沟。目前担任期刊Environmental Processes副主编,Frontier in Marine Science (Biogeochemistry)副主编,中国海洋湖沼学会化学分会副理事长,海洋学会化学分会委员。
在Nature Communication、PNAS、Communications Earth Environment、GRL、JGR、 Biogeosciences、Organic Geochemistry、Marine Chemistry、EST等刊物上发表论文90篇,翻译出版国内首部深渊科学专著《深渊:探索海洋最深处的奥秘》,并获得2018年浙江省科普协会金奖。2016-2017年作为首席科学家主持万米深渊海沟航次科学考察,在三条太平洋深渊海沟成功采集沉积物、海水和生物样本,受到央视新闻联播、人民日报、新华社等几十家媒体的报道。
2008.12~2015.12: 北京大学“百人计划研究员”(博士生导师)
2) 国家自然基金面上项目:基于五条太平洋海沟研究浊流对深渊沉积有机质来源、含量和活性的影响(41976030),执行期限:2020/1-2023/12,金额:62万(直接经费)(主持)
3) 国家自然基金面上项目:河口近海环境中陆源有机质的激发效应研究(41676058),执行期限:2017/1-2020/12,金额:70万(直接经费)
5)国家自然基金面上项目:应用生物标志物指标(IP25)重建末次冰期晚期以来白令海海冰变化及其环境影响(41176164),执行期限:2012.1-2015.12, 金额(69万)(主持)
6)国家自然基金青年项目:利用微生物标志物GDGT重建全新世渤海湾有机碳的来源及沉积通量(41006042), 执行期限:2011.1-2013.12, 金额(20万)(主持)
8)上海市科委科技创新项目:长江口-东海有机碳转化和埋藏的时空变化研究,2023.1-2026.6, 金额:40万(主持)
张明星; 张亚东; 张曦; 王亚松; 许云平,一种大洋科考用长柱取样工作时抗船舶倾摇稳定器,专利号CN114750887A
张明星; 王亚松; 许云平; 张亚东; 张曦,一种基于人工智能调节的长柱取样器自行式翻转机构,专利号CN114803972A
1)Xu, Y., P., Zhu, T. & Li, S. J. (2002) Measurement of rate constant for gas-phase reaction of DDVP with OH radical by using LP-FTIR. Progress in Natural Science 12, 185-187.
2) Mead, R., Xu, Y. P., Chong, J. & Jaffe, R. (2005) Sediment and soil organic matter source assessment as revealed by the molecular distribution and carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes. Organic Geochemistry 36, 363-370.
3) Xu, Y., Jaffe, R., Wachnicka, A. & Gaiser, E. E. (2006) Occurrence of C-25 highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs) in Florida Bay: Paleoenvironmental indicators of diatom-derived organic matter inputs. Organic Geochemistry 37, 847-859.
4) Xu, Y., Mead, R. N. & Jaffe, R. (2006) A molecular marker-based assessment of sedimentary organic matter sources and distributions in Florida Bay. Hydrobiologia 569, 179-192.
5)Xu, Y., Holmes, C. W. & Jaffe, R. (2007) Paleoenvironmental assessment of recent environmental changes in Florida Bay, USA: A biomarker based study. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 73, 201-210.
6)Xu, Y. & Jaffe, R. (2007) Lipid biomarkers in suspended particles from a subtropical estuary: Assessment of seasonal changes in sources and transport of organic matter. Marine Environmental Research 64, 666-678.
7)Xu, Y., Simoneit, B. R. T. & Jaffe, R. (2007) Occurrence of long-chain n-alkenols, diols, keto-ols and sec-alkanols in a sediment core from a hypereutrophic, freshwater lake. Organic Geochemistry 38, 870-883.
8)Shirzadi, A., Simpson, M. J., Kumar, R., Baer, A. J., Xu, Y. & Simpson, A. J. (2008) Molecular interactions of pesticides at the soil-water interface. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 5514-5520.
9) Shirzadi, A., Simpson, M. J., Xu, Y. & Simpson, A. J. (2008) Application of saturation transfer double difference NMR to elucidate the mechanistic interactions of pesticides with humic acid. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 1084-1090.
10) Xu, Y. & Jaffe, R. (2008) Biomarker-based paleo-record of environmental change for an eutrophic, tropical freshwater lake, Lake Valencia, Venezuela. Journal of Paleolimnology 40, 179-194.
11) Xu, Y., Jaffe, R. & Simoneit, B. R. T. (2008) Oxygenated spiro-triterpenoids possibly related to arborenes in sediments of a tropical, freshwater lake. Organic Geochemistry 39, 1400-1404.
12) McKelvie, J. R., Yuk, J., Xu, Y., Simpson, A. J. & Simpson, M. J. (2009) H-1 NMR and GC/MS metabolomics of earthworm responses to sub-lethal DDT and endosulfan exposure. Metabolomics 5, 84-94.
13) Simoneit, B. R. T., Xu, Y., Neto, R. R., Cloutier, J. B. & Jaffe, R. (2009) Photochemical alteration of 3-oxygenated triterpenoids: Implications for the origin of 3,4-seco-triterpenoids in sediments. Chemosphere 74, 543-550.
14) Xu, Y., Cooke, M. P., Talbot, H. M. & Simpson, M. J. B (2009) Bacteriohopanepolyol signatures of bacterial populations in Western Canadian soils. Organic Geochemistry 40, 79-86.
15) Xu, Y., Eyles, N. & Simpson, M. J. (2009) Terrigenous organic matter sources in mid-pleistocene sediments from the orphan knoll, Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Applied Geochemistry 24, 1934-1940.
16) Xu, Y. & Jaffe, R. (2009) Geochemical record of anthropogenic impacts on Lake Valencia, Venezuela. Applied Geochemistry 24, 411-418.
17) Feng, X., Xu, Y., Jaffe, R., Schlesinger, W. H. & Simpson, M. J. (2010) Turnover rates of hydrolysable aliphatic lipids in Duke Forest soils determined by compound specific C-13 isotopic analysis. Organic Geochemistry 41, 573-579.
18) Xu, Y. & Jaffe, R. (2010) Occurrence, distribution and origin of C-30 cyclobotryococcenes in a subtropical wetland/estuarine ecosystem. Chemosphere 81, 918-924.
19) Xu, Y., Simpson, A. J., Eyles, N. & Simpson, M. J. (2010) Sources and molecular composition of cryoconite organic matter from the Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Organic Geochemistry 41, 177-186.
20) Sun, D., Tan, W., Pei, Y., Zhou, L., Wang, H., Yang, H. & Xu, Y. (2011) Late Quaternary environmental change of Yellow River Basin: An organic geochemical record in Bohai Sea (North China). Organic Geochemistry 42, 575-585.
21) Wu, W., Tan, W., Zhou, L., Yang, H. & Xu, Y. (2012) Sea surface temperature variability in southern Okinawa Trough during last 2700 years. Geophysical Research Letters 39, doi:10.1029/2012gl052749.
22) Wu, W., Zhao, L., Pei, Y., Ding, W., Yang, H. & Xu, Y. (2013) Variability of tetraether lipids in Yellow River-dominated continental margin during the past eight decades: Implications for organic matter sources and river channel shifts. Organic Geochemistry 60, 33-39.
23) Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Wang, Y., Xu, Y. & Zhou, L. (2013) Optimization of programmed-temperature vaporization injection preparative capillary GC for compound specific radiocarbon analysis. Journal of Separation Science 36, 2136-2144.
24) Belt, S. T., Brown, T. A., Ampel, L., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Fahl, K., Kocis, J. J., Masse, G., Navarro-Rodriguez, A., Ruan, J. & Xu, Y. (2014) An inter-laboratory investigation of the Arctic sea ice biomarker proxy IP25 in marine sediments: key outcomes and recommendations. Climate of the Past 10, 155-166.
25) Ding, S., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Ruan, J. & Wu, W. (2014) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments from Yellow River-Dominated Margin. Scientific World Journal 2014, 654183-654183.
26) Wang, G., Zhang, L., Zhang, X., Wang, Y. & Xu, Y. (2014) Chemical and carbon isotopic dynamics of grass organic matter during litter decompositions: A litterbag experiment. Organic Geochemistry 69, 106-113
27) Wu, W., Ruan, J., Ding, S., Zhao, L., Xu, Y., Yang, H., Ding, W. & Pei, Y. (2014) Source and distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers along lower Yellow River-estuary-coast transect. Marine Chemistry 158, 17-26
28) Zhang, X., Xu, Y., Ruan, J., Ding, S. & Huang, X. (2014) Origin, distribution and environmental significance of perylene in Okinawa Trough since last glaciation maximum. Organic Geochemistry 76, 288-294.
29) Zhao, L., Wu, W., Xu, X. & Xu, Y. (2014) Soil organic matter dynamics under different land use in grasslands in Inner Mongolia (northern China). Biogeosciences 11, 5103-5113.
30) Ding, S., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., He, Y., Hou, J., Chen, L. & He, J. S. (2015) Distribution of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surface soils of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: implications of brGDGTs-based proxies in cold and dry regions. Biogeosciences 12, 3141-3151.
31) Ruan, J., Xu, Y., Ding, S., Wang, Y. & Zhang, X. A (2015) high resolution record of sea surface temperature in southern Okinawa Trough for the past 15,000 years. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 426, 209-215.
32) Xiao, W., Xu, Y., Ding, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Yang, H., Wang, G. & Hou, J. (2015) Global calibration of a novel, branched GDGT-based soil pH proxy. Organic Geochemistry 89-90, 56-60.
33) Chen, L., Liang, J., Qin, S., Liu, L., Fang, K., Xu, Y., Ding, J., Li, F., Luo, Y. & Yang, Y. (2016) Different determinants of carbon loss from active and permafrost layers: evidence from alpine permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau. Nature Communication, 7, 13046, doi:10.1038/ncomms13046.
34) He, D., Simoneit, B. R. T., Xu, Y. & Jaffé, R. (2016) Occurrence of unsaturated C25 highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs) in a freshwater wetland. Organic Geochemistry 93, 59-67.
35) S. Ding, V. F. Schwab, N. Ueberschaar, et al., Xu, Y. (2016) Identification of novel 7-methyl and cyclopentanyl branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry 102, 52-58.
36) Wang, Y. & Xu, Y. (2016) Distribution and source of 1-O-monoalkyl glycerol ethers in the Yellow River and Bohai Sea. Organic Geochemistry 91, 81-88.
37) 王映辉 & 许云平.(2016)黄河河口表层沉积物中木质素特征的研究. 海洋科学, 40, 55-64.
38) Xiao, W., Wang, Y., Zhou, S., Hu, L., Yang, H., Xu, Y., (2016) Ubiquitous production of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) in global marine environments: a new source indicator for brGDGTs. Biogeosciences 13, 5883-5894.
39) Ruan, J., Xu, Y., Ding, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., (2017) A biomarker record of temperature and phytoplankton community structure in Okinawa Trough since the last glacial maximum, Quaternary Research, Quaternary Research 88, 89-97.
40) Ruan, J., Huang, Y., Shi, X., Liu, Y., Xiao, W. and Xu, Y.(2017) Holocene variability in sea surface temperature and sea ice extent in the northern Bering Sea: A multiple biomarker study. Organic Geochemistry 113, 1-9.
41) Zhou, L., Li, H., Shen, H., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Xing, A. and Fang, J. (2017) Shrub-encroachment induced alterations in input chemistry and soil microbial community affect topsoil organic carbon in an Inner Mongolian grassland. Biogeochemistry 136, 311-324.
42) Luo, M., Glud, R.N., Pan, B., Wenzhöfer, F., Xu, Y., Lin, G. and Chen, D. (2018) Benthic carbon mineralization in hadal trenches: Insights from in‐situ determination of benthic oxygen consumption. Geophysical Research Letters, 45: 2752-2760
43) Wang, J., Axia, E., Xu, Y., Wang, G., Zhou, L., Jia, Y., Chen, Z. and Li, J. (2018) Temperature effect on abundance and distribution of leaf wax n -alkanes across a temperature gradient along the 400 mm isohyet in China. Organic Geochemistry, 120,31-41
44) Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Spencer, R.G.M., Zito, P., Kellerman, A., Podgorski, D., Xiao, W., Wei, D., Rashid, H. and Yang, Y. (2018) Selective leaching of dissolved organic matter from alpine permafrost soils on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences,123: 1005-1016.
45) Wei, Y., Fang, J., Xu, Y., Zhao, W. and Cao, J. (2018) Corynebacterium hadale sp. nov. isolated from hadopelagic water of the New Britain Trench. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol., 68(5): 1474-1478.
46) Xu, Y., Zhou, S., Hu, L., Wang, Y. and Xiao, W. (2018) Different controls on sedimentary organic carbon in the Bohai Sea: River mouth relocation, turbidity and eutrophication. Journal of Marine Systems 180, 1-8.
47) Wang, Y., Spencer, R.G.M., Podgorski, D., Kellerman, A., Rashid, H., Zito, P., Xiao, W., Wei, D., Yang, Y. and Xu, Y.(2018) Spatiotemporal transformation of dissolved organic matter along an alpine stream flowpath on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: importance of source and permafrost degradation. Biogeosciences,15, 6637-6648
48) Zhou, L., Li, H., Shen, H., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Xing, A., Zhu, Y., Zhou, S. and Fang, J(2018). Effects of shrub encroachment on vertical changes in soil organic carbon in Mongolian grasslands: using a multi-biomarker approach. Plant and Soil, 431: 217-230
49) Liu, Futing; Chen, Leiyi; Abbott, Benjamin; Xu, Yunping; Yang, Guibiao; Kou, Dan; Qin, Shuqi; Strauss, Jens; Wang, Yinghui; Zhang, Beibei; Yang, Yuanhe(2018), Reduced quantity and quality of SOM along a thaw sequence on the Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Research Letters,13, doi: 1104017,1748-9326/13/10/104017
50) Linlin Shi, Wenjie Xiao, Zhiguo Liu, Binbin Pan, Yunping Xu (2018). Fatty acid profile of hadal amphipods indicative of diet change in the deepest ocean, Marine Environmental Research,142, 250-256.
51) Wang, J., Xu, Y., Zhou, L., Shi, M., Axia, E., Jia, Y., Chen, Z., Li, J. and Wang, G(2018). Disentangling temperature effects on leaf wax n-alkane traits and carbon isotopic composition from phylogeny and precipitation. Organic Geochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.1010.1008.
52) Xu, Y., Ge, H. and Fang, J. (2018) Biogeochemistry of hadal trenches: Recent developments and future perspectives. Deep Sea Res. II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 155, 19-26.
53) 卫丹丹,王映辉,许云平,(2019) 水体溶解有机质分离富集方法的发展与比较海洋科学进展,6:977-984
54) Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Wei, D., Shi, L., Jia, Z., Yang, Y. (2019). Different chemical composition and storage mechanism of soil organic matter between active and permafrost layers on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 653-664.
55) Chen, L., Liu, L., Qin, S., Yang, G., Fang, K., Zhu, B., Kuzyakov, Y., Chen, P., Xu, Y., Yang, Y., (2019) Regulation of priming effect by soil organic matter stability over a broad geographic scale. Nat. Communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13119-z
56) Wanzhen Ding, Ping Liu, Yunping Xu, Jiasong Fang, Junwei Cao (2019). Polyphasic taxonomic analysis of Parasedimentitalea marina gen. nov., sp. nov., a psychrotolerant bacterium isolated from deep sea water of the New Britain Trench. FEMS Microbiol Lett 366, fnaa004. DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnaa004
57) Xiao, W., Xu, Y., Haghipour, N., Montluçon, D.B., Pan, B., Jia, Z., Ge, H., Yao, P., Eglinton, T.I., (2020). Efficient sequestration of terrigenous organic carbon in the New Britain Trench. Chem. Geol. 533, 119446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119446.
58) Xiao, W., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, X., Shi, L., and Xu, Y.(2020) Predominance of hexamethylated 6-methyl branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in the Mariana Trench: Source and environmental implication, Biogeosciences,https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2019-391.
59) Shi, L., Zhang X., Xiao W., Pan B., Liu Z., Xu Y.(2020) Ontogenetic diet change of hadal amphipods in the New Britain Trench revealed by fatty acid biomarker and stable isotope ratio, Deep Sea Research I, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2020.103276
60) Xu, Y., Wu, W., Xiao, W, Ge, H., Wei, Y., Yin, X., Yao, H., Lipp, J.S., Pan, B., Hinrichs, K.U. (2020) Intact ether lipids in trench sediments related to archaeal community and environmental conditions in the deepest ocean, JGR: Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JG005431
61) Xu, Y. Jia, Z, Xiao, W., Fang J., Wang, Y., Luo, M., Wenzhöfer, F., Rowden, A.A., Glud, R.A. (2020) glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surface sediments from three Pacific trenches: Distribution, source and environmental implications, Organic Geochemistry,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2020.104079
62) Liu, M., Xiao, W., Zhang, Q., Shi, L., Wang, X., Xu, Y. (2020). Methylmercury bioaccumulation in deepest ocean fauna: Implications for ocean mercury biotransport through food webs. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00299
63) Han L, Wang Y, Xiao W, Wu J, Guo L, Wang Y, Ge H, Xu Y (2021a) Seasonal Changes of Organic Carbon Mixing, Degradation and Deposition in Yangtze River Dominated Margin Related to Intrinsic Molecular and External Environmental Factors. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 126
64) Han L, Wang Y, Xu Y, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Wu J (2021b) Water- and Base-Extractable Organic Matter in Sediments From Lower Yangtze River–Estuary–East China Sea Continuum: Insight Into Accumulation of Organic Carbon in the River-Dominated Margin. Frontiers in Marine Science 8
65) Hu T, Luo M, Wünsch UJ, He D, Gieskes J, Xu Y, Fang J, Chen D (2021a) Probing sedimentary DOM in the deepest sector of Earth's surface. Marine Chemistry 237:104033
66) Hu T, Luo M, Xu Y, Gong S, Chen D (2021b) Production of Labile Protein-Like Dissolved Organic Carbon Associated With Anaerobic Methane Oxidization in the Haima Cold Seeps, South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 8
67) Liu M, Xiao W, Zhang Q, Yuan S, Raymond PA, Chen J, Liu J, Tao S, Xu Y, Wang X (2021a) Substantial accumulation of mercury in the deepest parts of the ocean and implications for the environmental mercury cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2102629118
68) Liu YS, Xiao WJ, Wu JQ, Han LL, Zhang HR, Xu YP (2021b) Source, composition, and distributional pattern of branched tetraethers in sediments of northern Chinese marginal seas. Organic Geochemistry 157
69) Tao K, Xu Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, He D (2021) Source, sink and preservation of organic matter from a machine learning approach of polar lipid tracers in sediments and soils from the Yellow River and Bohai Sea, eastern China. Chemical Geology 582:120441
70) Xu Y, Li X, Luo M, Xiao W, Fang J, Rashid H, Peng Y, Li W, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden AA, Glud RN (2021) Distribution, Source, and Burial of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Kermadec and Atacama Trenches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126:e2020JG006189
71) Yu C, Xiao W, Xu Y, Sun X, Li M, Lin H, Tong Y, Xie H, Wang X (2021a) Spatial-temporal characteristics of mercury and methylmercury in marine sediment under the combined influences of river input and coastal currents. Chemosphere 274
72) Yu C, Xu Y, Yan Y, Xiao W, Liu M, Cheng M, He W, Xu F, Wang X (2021b) Mercury and methylmercury in China's lake sediments and first estimation of mercury burial fluxes. Science of the Total Environment 770
73) 项羽, 王亚松, 肖文杰, 韩露露, 许云平 (2021) 阿塔卡马海沟深渊和非深渊站位的沉积脂肪酸对比研究. 海洋与湖沼 52:13
74) Wang Y, Wang Y, Ge H, Liu B, Wu J, Han L, Liu Y, Yu J, Xu Y (2022) Optical characterization of dissolved organic matter in Kuroshio-Oyashio confluence region: Implication for water mass mixing. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 185
75) Xiao W, Xu Y, Lin J, Zeng Z, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhang C (2022) Global scale production of brGDGTs by benthic marine bacteria: Implication for developing ocean bottom environmental proxies. Global and Planetary Change 211:103783
76) Yang Y, Gao Y, Liu Y, Liu B, Wang D, Xu Y, Wei Y (2022) Pseudomonas marianensis sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediments of the Mariana Trench. Archives of Microbiology 204:638
77) Zhang X, Xu Y, Xiao W, Zhao M, Wang Z, Wang X, Xu L, Luo M, Li X, Fang J, Fang Y, Wang Y, Oguri K, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden AA, Mitra S, Glud RN (2022b) The hadal zone is an important and heterogeneous sink of black carbon in the ocean. Communications Earth & Environment 3:25
78) 郭丽霞, 王亚松, 乔德会, 韩露露, 郁建春, 许云平 (2022) 夏季长江口南北支溶解有机质的比较. 海洋科学 46:16
79) Hu T, Luo M, Qi Y, He D, Chen L, Xu Y, Chen D (2023) Molecular evidence for the production of labile, sulfur-bearing dissolved organic matter in the seep sediments of the South China Sea. Water Research 233:119732
80) Qiao D, Wang Y, Yu J, Liu B, Wu J, Ge H, Wei Y, Xu Y (2023) Distinct differences in surface-water dissolved organic matter between the East China Sea and Okinawa Trough: Source and hydrological effects. Journal of Marine Systems 237:103827
81) Rashid H, Zhang Z, Piper DJW, Patro R, Xu Y (2023) Impact of Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age on the Labrador Current flow speed and the AMOC reconstructed by the sediment dynamics and biomarker proxies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 620:111558
82) Wang D, Li M, Yang Y, Gao Y, Liu B, Wu W, Xu Y, Wei Y (2023a) Genome-based reclassification of Deinococcus saudiensis Hussain et al. 2016 as a later heterotypic synonym of Deinococcus soli Cha et al. 2014. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73
83) Wang D, Wu Y, Liu Y, Liu B, Gao Y, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Liu C, Huo Y, Tang A, Xu Y, Wei Y (2023b) Muricauda abyssi sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from deep seawater of the Mariana Trench. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72
84) Wang Y, Liu B, Wu W, Liu L, Wang Y, Xu Y (2023c) Water mass mixing contributes dynamics of dissolved organic matter in Kuroshio-Oyashio confluence region. Frontiers in Marine Science 10
85) Xiao W, Xu Y, Zhang C, Lin J, Wu W, Lü X, Tan J, Zhang X, Zheng F, Song X, Zhu Y, Yang Y, Zhang H, Wenzhöfer F, Rowden AA, Glud RN (2023) Disentangling Effects of Sea Surface Temperature and Water Depth on Hydroxylated Isoprenoid GDGTs: Insights From the Hadal Zone and Global Sediments. Geophysical Research Letters 50:e2023GL103109
86) Yu J, Zhu G, Wang Y, Wang Y, Han L, Liu Z, Zhang X, Xu Y (2023) Sea Ice Melting Drives Substantial Change in Dissolved Organic Matter in Surface Water off Prydz Bay, East Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 128
87) Zhao X, Chen Z, Xu Y, Zhai X, Song X, Xu H, Lü X, Li X (2023) Linkages between organic carbon composition and microbial community structure in two contrasting subtropical mangrove sediments in southern China. Regional Studies in Marine Science 66:103159
88) Zhang X, Wang Y, Wang Z, Zhao M, Fang Y, Ding S, Xiao W, Yu C, Wang X, Xu Y (2024) Heterogenous distribution and burial flux of black carbon in Chinese lakes and its global implication. Science of The Total Environment 906:167687
89) Hu T, Zheng K, Luo M, Xie J, Qi Y, Xu Y, Chen D (2024) Probing the optical and molecular properties of sedimentary dissolved organic matter in the laminated diatom mats from the southern Mariana Trench. Global and Planetary Change 234:104386